2024 AIN Global Conference Presenters

Official Dates: July 18th to July 21st, 2024. (Learning Journeys happening pre-conference July 17th and July 18th).

Within this page, you will find information about our wonderful presenters! Keynote presenters and workshop presenters are currently listed, we will be adding Talks and Learning Journey presenters very soon. Stay tuned!

Click here to return to the main conference page for more conference information.

Click here to view the full conference schedule! Featuring day to day, hour to hour details.


Tune the Future: Keynote Presenters

Tune the Future: Inspiring Keynotes at the 2024 AIN Global Conference

The Applied Improvisation Network (AIN) is thrilled to welcome you to Prague, Czech Republic, for our 2024 Global Conference! This year's theme, "Tune the Future," explores the power of applied improvisation to navigate a rapidly changing world.

Our esteemed keynote speakers will ignite your curiosity and challenge your thinking. We are excited to introduce you to them! Click their name/keynote title to learn more about them or their keynote.

2024 AIN Global Conference Keynote Presenters: 

About our Keynotes:

Kateřina Lesch 

Keynote Talk - AI for AI: How to leverage Artificial Intelligence within Applied Improv


About: Kateřina Lesch is a data scientist with an AI expertise and an NLP background. Having previously worked as a product developer specialized on Text Analytics and a manager of a AI & Data team within Big Four, she now works as a Head of Data Science & Risk division of an IT company EmbedIT. Kateřina got her PhD. in Computational Linguistics. Her research concerns mainly Sentiment Analysis and Information Extraction. She also has expertise in Cognitive Automation and Forensic Linguistics. 


Tomáš Ervin

Keynote Talk - What can (labour market) data tell us about the future of education?

About: We are proud to introduce Tomáš Ervín Dombrovský, a leading labor market analyst at Alma Career (formerly LMC). With over 13 years of experience, Tomáš provides invaluable insights into the dynamics of education and employment. His research and analyses are crucial for HR professionals and organizational leaders, offering practical recommendations to enhance workplace collaboration.

As a member of the external advisory team to the Czech Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Tomáš's expertise is widely recognized. Under his guidance, Alma Career has developed innovative online services, transforming how people find jobs and pursue education.


Láďa Karda

Keynote Performance - Where is the game? 

About: The artists are standing on the stage all alone. Without a task, without stage design, without boundaries. They are playing, cooperating, testing, acting and reacting. They are trying to decode what is going on. Here and now. Remarkable adventure of the improvisation, that is rising from zero point. Impro from scratch. Maybe you are familiar with improv with rules but this is something else. Our journey started 9 years ago at Theatre Faculty of Performing Arts and we were writing thesises, testing our limits and limits of improvisation until we became Czech National Improv Theatre. What we found during these 350 shows we will present at AIN to you, our dear guests. 


2024 AIN Global Conference Workshop Presenters

We're excited to unveil our roster of workshop presenters! This list offers a sneak peek at the exciting lineup we have in store. Browse the names and workshop titles to get a taste of the knowledge and skills you can gain. Keep your eyes peeled, as the full schedule with detailed descriptions (and talks and Learning Journeys!) will be released soon! The list is not yet complete, more workshops will be added.


Click here to view the full conference schedule! Featuring day to day, hour to hour details.


Christine Alexander, Povilas Plukas - Hacking Polarization: A Gestalt Theatre Approach to Inner Awareness for Outer Work

Tomas Andrasik - Applied improvisation in mental health care and psychotherapy - overview of research and current practices.

Petra Marie Andrášik - Relax into conflict: Staying focused in difficult conversations

Rachel Bellack, Jennifer Spear - The Future is Ours:  Identify and Leverage Your Unique Value Proposition

Ilene Bergelson - Shaking Hands with Ourselves: Embodiment for an improvised life

Carrie Caudle, Marian Rich - Self Expression through Improvisational Collage

David Cristante - How to use status-based communications to win over others and improve your charisma

Vicki Crooks - Tune the Future: Empathy as a Learning Goal

Melissa Delaney-Del Valle, Sarah Strachan  - “Brave New World — Navigating the Future Through Improv and Play”

Mark Emdin - Synchronized Success: Improv Techniques for Team Excellence

Chris Esparza, Laura Osteen - Distinguishing Opposing Ideas from Opposing People: Why the World Needs Applied Improv Now More Than Ever

Robin Fox - The Yes, And! Classroom: Unlocking the Potential of Improv to help  Children Thrive in a World of Trauma, Mental Health Crises, and Social Challenges.

Vanda Gabrielova - Challenging participants are participants with needs

Izzy Gesell - The Gold Shines Most Brightly After the Game: The Art of Debriefing in Applied Improv

William Hall - Adjusting Games on the fly for what’s happening in the room

Victoria Hogg, Paul Speirs - Future-Proof your Applied Improv Business Proposition

Aija Iesalniece - Yes-anding Artificial intelligence

Paul Z Jackson, William Hall - Experienced Improvisers Share Their Wisdom

Tomáš Jireček, Andrea Moličová - Interpersonal relationship? In the future?

Brian Kapell - Status Games: Be a ‘Player’

Jan Keck - Include & Engage the Quiet Ones

Burgert Kirsten - Making friends with anxiety

Kat Koppett - Balancing Risk and Safety: Facilitating in Service of Learning and Growth

Richard Laible, William Hall - Strategic Alliances, Agile Outcomes: Cultivating Profitable Partnerships for Success

Jeanne Leep - Improvisation and Intimacy Training:  Creating a Consent Based Foundation for Improvised and Ensemble Work

Erica Marx - Pathfinder: Improvising Your Future One Step At A Time

Renate Mikucevska - Harnessing Improv for Future-Proof Skill Development

Jørgen Moltubak - Classroom 2042

Ondrej Necas, Karolína Harries - Calculating Your Worth: Pricing Strategies for Trainers

Nicola Pauling, Bobbi Block - Fast Tracking Intimacy

Cindy Pittens - Seeing you - Seeing me

Michaela Raiserova - Beyond the script: Leadership for the future in an AI-dominated workplace

Jay Reid - How to Measure and Improve Adaptability Intelligence (or AQ)

Yael Schy - GETTING TO YES AND! Using Applied Improv for Mediating Conflicts and Creating a Better Future

Johanna Smith - Puppetry and Improvisation - Delight as a Tool for Transformative Experiences

Annemarie Steen, Ted DesMaisons - Cultivating Playful Presence - following life's whispers for inspired action 

Jeremy Strozer - Qi Prov - Harnessing the connection between your body and the earth to create more energy for you and your clients.

Nathalie Van Renterghem - We share a space, the work has started.

Ketan Varia - Innovating Tradition: The Synergy of AI and Culture in a South Indian Village School

Matt Weinstein - Designing And Facilitating A Play Community

Louis Wells, Maria Aladdren - Need to Learn a New Language? Take an Improv Class


Click here to view the full conference schedule! Featuring day to day, hour to hour details.



Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page! We will be constantly updating this page with current FAQs up until the conference starts. Click here for our FAQ Page.

Need to reach out to the conference team directly? Contact us via email - [email protected]. We will be checking this mail about twice a week. 

(Last Updated: Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 - 7pm EDT)