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Friday Open Space THEME: Storytelling
Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting
Friday, December 03, 2021, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
Category: Open Space

Come to open space to play games, meet-up with your AIN friends, try something new, receive support, initiate a conversation, or whatever else you'd like to offer and enjoy.

First Friday Theme: STORYTELLING

Register here!

At the start of the call we will hear from people offering topics and create breakout rooms for these topics for the first session. Then we'll open the rooms and everyone will be able to move between topic rooms as you like. At the top of the second hour we'll hear pitches for session 2 offers and we'll open up those rooms. Everyone is welcome to play and/or offer topics.

To help us do this efficiently, if you have a topic you'd like to offer go to the link below and find the date of this session and enter your offer. You can also see past and upcoming sessions at this link, as well as registration links for upcoming sessions.

We will also have an AFTERPARTY where you can linger after the sessions to continue discussions and often learn about what happened in a session you missed. You are welcome to drop in anytime during the sessions or the afterparty. Stay for as long or as little as you like!

Open space sessions are not recorded or saved. If you want to record within a breakout room, you may do this with permission of the other people in the room. The default expectation is that sessions are not recorded.

** Technology recommendations **
Joining with a laptop or desktop computer with a camera will give the the best experience.

People who register for these sessions will be added to an email list to keep you informed about open space events. You can unsubscribe at any time.

See you soon in open space!

- Your Friday AIN Open Space Team
