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Asia-Pacific Open Space
Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST
Category: Open Space

Click here to register and convert the session to your local time!

About APOS

Play games, practice using zoom, meet-up with your friends, brainstorm, and whatever else you'd like to offer and enjoy.

At the start we will hear from people offering topics and create breakout rooms for these topics. If additional topics emerge we will add those rooms.

Everyone will be able to move between topic rooms throughout the open space time. Everyone is welcome to play and/or offer topics.

** Technology recommendations **
Zoom, updated within the last month. Upgrade here

Joining with a laptop or desktop computer with a camera will give the best experience. In order of preference, join with:

1. Desktop or laptop with Zoom app (preferred)
2. Tablet (will see up to 9 people)
3. Mobile phone with Zoom app (will see up to 4 people)
4. Chromebook or web browser (most limited; can only see 1 person at a time, will need host to move you between breakout rooms)

Sessions are not recorded or saved. If you want to record within a breakout room, you may do this with permission of the other people in the room. The default expectation is that sessions are not recorded.

Join with your video on and ready to play!

APOS is hosted by Hikaru Hie, Ana Sousa Gavin, Ming Lee, Mamiko Miyamoto
(contact : [email protected])

Click here to learn more about Open Space!

Contact: [email protected]